American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the second-largest teacher’s union in the United States, has been getting trolled into oblivion for sharing a “We Stand with Ukraine” poster in which the flag is unintentionally upside down.

Shared on the union’s official Twitter account, the photo featured AFT presidents Randi Weingarten and Evelyn DeJesus posing with the poster that mistakenly placed Ukraine’s yellow and blue colors in reverse.

For reference, the Ukraine flag actually looks like this:

Considering that these are the presidents of the second-largest union for educators holding a professionally-printed pro-Ukraine poster, people on social media pulled no punches in their mockery of such a display:

Just this past February, Randi Weingarten said that masking children in schools is “absolutely the right way” to educate them at the moment and applauded New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s decision to keep the mask mandate in place until March.

“I think I’m just going to lift up the one governor who I think is doing it absolutely the right way,” Weingarten, who posed with an upside-down photo of the Ukrainian flag, told CNN.

As Breitbart News recently profiled, Weingarten has “used her organization as a driving force behind keeping schools closed and children masked, despite the ample and growing evidence that both have been absolutely detrimental for the social and educational development of children as well as their mental health.”

“In November 2020, AFT affiliated United Federation of Teachers pushed heavily for the shut down of New York City’s entire public school system,” Breitbart reported. “Meanwhile, Weingarten also recently came under fire for saying on MSNBC that masking children in school can only end when there is ‘no transmission in schools.'”