The Job Creators Network (JCN) is hammering Job Biden with another massive billboard in the heart of Times Square highlighting the failures of the Biden administration.

“THANKS FOR NOTHING, JOE!” the billboard screams, with a list of issues crushing the American people listed above:

“The Biden Administration has compiled a depressingly long list of failures, from sky-high inflation to baby formula shortages. We placed a huge billboard in Times Square to highlight the worst of them, but it still wasn’t big enough to list all the administration’s fiascos,” said Alfredo Ortiz, JCN President and CEO. “In a recent op-ed published in The Wall Street Journal, the President played more lip service to the current scourge of inflation, and failed to acknowledge any responsibility for it”

“He also claimed with a straight face that he was reducing the deficit—apparently he has forgotten his push for the Build Back Better plan which would have added trillions to the deficit,” Ortiz continued. “Until the Biden administration opens their eyes and starts acting responsibly we’ll continue to say, ‘thanks for nothing!’”

Earlier this year, JCN called out Biden for failing to drill for U.S. oil but instead asking leaders of murderous regimes to produce more oil, amid soaring gas and diesel prices.

JCN Times Square Billboard Calls on Biden to Produce Oil Domestically. Images include Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro, Iran President Ebrahim Raisi, and Saudi Arabia ruler Mohammed bin Salman. (JCN)

























Jerome Hudson is Breitbart News Entertainment Editor and author of the book 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know About Trump. Order your copy today. Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter, instagram, and Parlor @jeromeehudson