President Joe Biden mistakenly spoke about a ten-year-old girl trying to “terminate the presidency” during a speech on abortion on Friday.

The president commented on a report of a ten-year-old girl who traveled from Ohio to Indiana in order to get an abortion, because of the pro-life laws in her home state.”Ten years old!” Biden exclaimed. “And she was forced to have to travel out of the state of Indiana to seek to terminate the presidency and save her life.”

At no point did Biden correct his words, though his teleprompter likely instructed him to say “pregnancy.”

“Imagine being that little girl,” Biden continued. “I’m serious, just imagine being that little girl. Ten years old!”

Biden raged against the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade two weeks ago, again attacking one of the three branches of American democracy.

“What we’re witnessing wasn’t a Constitutional judgment,” Biden claimed. “It was an exercise in raw political power.”

The president warned the Supreme Court that women would rise up and vote in unprecedented numbers for Democrats in the midterms and make abortion legal nationwide.

“I don’t think the court, or for that matter, the Republicans who for decades, have pushed an extreme agenda, have a clue about the power of American women,” Biden said. “But they are about to find out in my view.”