First Lady Jill Biden sang to a masked three-year-old during a visit she made earlier this month to a vaccine clinic.

The masked First Lady crouched down to engage the child after learning it was his birthday and was there to get the coronavirus vaccine.

Later she shared video of the moment on social media.

“I am so glad Dr. Ashish Jha (COVID-19 Response Team Coordinator) and I could be here to celebrate your COVID-19 vaccine — and your 3rd birthday!” she wrote.

Biden appeared at the Henrico Health Department East Clinic in Virginia to promote coronavirus vaccines for children.

“The relief is finally here — a vaccine for our youngest children,” she said.

During her remarks, Biden recalled the difficulty parents of young children had during the pandemic while quarantining and masking.

“You wrestled tiny little masks on your children who couldn’t understand them,” she said.

She praised parents who brought their babies into the clinic for a vaccine, saying they could now feel relief.

“I know that it’s been hard, but you’ve done an amazing job,” she said.