The conservative group Moms for America Action formally endorsed former President Donald Trump on Tuesday, emphasizing that it is crucial to have a leader who is “not afraid to fight” for what is right.

The group, comprised of roughly half a million mothers across the country, formally made its endorsement this week as Trump’s GOP competitors essentially continue their battle for second place in the Republican primary.

“What we need most right now are leaders who will protect our nation and the United States Constitution, defend the family, and stand for truth and common sense even when it isn’t popular to do so,” the group’s founder and president Kimberly Fletcher said in a statement.

“We need leaders who are not afraid to fight for what’s right and who will put America first,” she continued. “That is why Donald Trump has the complete and total endorsement of Moms for America Action!”

FLASHBACK: Moms for America’s Kimberly Fletcher: We Joined Freedom Convoy Truckers to Protest “Draconian Mentality” of the Left

Notably, the group was among those standing up against woke ideology in schools, as well as forced masking throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Fletcher spoke to Breitbart News about these issues in a March 2022 interview, identifying comprehensive sex education, intimidation and bullying from administrators to teachers and children, and mask mandates in schools as the top issues for parents at the time.

“We get stories from moms all over the country who are telling us that their children — ‘mask mouth’ is a thing now where children are getting staph infections around their mouths and they’re having tooth decay,” she said.

WATCH: Moms for America: Parents Reporting ‘Mask Mouth’ Among Their Children, Staph Infections, Tooth Decay Due to Forced Masking

The press release of the Moms for America Action endorsement noted that the former president recently appeared on the Moms for America Podcast, where Trump promised to tackle the indoctrination of children in schools in his second term, as well as transgender ideology.

“If we don’t win the presidential election of 2024 – it’s going to be the most important election in the history of our country – I think our country is going to be essentially finished,” Trump reportedly said.

Over the summer, Trump pledged to slash federal funding to schools pushing Critical Race Theory (CRT), as well as “transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.”