Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) took a victory lap on Friday after interrupting President Joe Biden during the State of the Union address. Greene yelled out the name “Laken Riley,” the nursing student allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant, which prompted Biden to go off script and anger Democrats by describing her suspected killer as an “illegal.”

MTG posted on X on Friday, “They are melting down because I forced Biden to go off script and he finally told the truth and admitted Laken Riley was murdered by an ILLEGAL!!!” She added,  “Yes that’s right Joe,” then reiterated, “ILLEGAL ALIEN!!!!”

She also posted a video of her interruption, as well as Biden’s spontaneous remark:

His saying “illegal” angered Democrats, who said he should have used the word “undocumented” to describe the man charged with Riley’s murder, Jose Antonio Ibarra, a 26-year-old Venezuelan citizen who illegally entered the United States near El Paso, Texas, in 2022.

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