A woman flying from Australia to Scotland survived a real-life snake on a plane encounter after discovering a python in her shoe.

Moira Boxall was traveling to Queensland, Australia, to Glasgow, Scotland, on Thursday when she discovered a python taking residence in her suitcase, nestling in one of her shoes, CNN reported.

Boxall, who discovered the spotted serpent in her suitcase upon returning to Scotland, initially thought she was the victim of a practical joke.

“She was not at all expecting to find the snake when she was unpacking a bag when she got back to Scotland,” Boxall’s son-in-law, Paul Airlie, told the Australian Broadcasting Company. “She had woken up a few days before she left and thought she had seen a snake in her room and woke me up at 3:00 in the morning to check.”

Airlie said his wife helped Boxall pack her bags and somehow the serpent managed to go through security undetected.

Once she found the snake, Boxall placed the snake-filled shoe in a garden, covered it with a box, and called the Scottish RSPCA.

“I responded to a call from a woman who had just returned from a holiday in Australia who had found a small snake inside her shoe in her suitcase,” animal rescue officer Taylor Johnstone told CNN.

“When I arrived, the snake had been contained by the caller, so I safely removed the snake from the property. Upon examination, the snake was found to be a spotted python which is not venomous,” Johnstone added.

Johnstone said that the snake is currently quarantined inside an animal rescue shelter.