“We have to start pushing the Democrats back on their heels,” said CC in Massachusetts, a caller-in to Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily.

“Attack, attack, attack,” she added, advocating for President Donald Trump and the GOP to force Democrats to own their prioritization of illegal immigrants over American citizens.

CC spoke with Breitbart News’s Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon and Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.

“Attack, attack, attack,” said CC, laying out a 2018 political strategy for Trump and the Republican Party. Republicans must highlight how Democrats are “defending illegal immigrants and defending these policies that are totally against American citizens” via campaign ad “blitzes” in “all states where the Democrats are weak,” she added.

“Democrats do not want good for the American people,” said CC, advising Trump and Republicans to focus on Democrat support for “indefensible policies” that prioritize foreigners illegally residing in the homeland over American citizens.

Trump was not “caving in” to political pressure for him to support amnesty for illegal aliens, said CC, referring to political pushes to codify the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy into federal law.

Bannon described CC’s exposition as “the most magnificent call I think we’ve ever had on Breitbart News Daily,” subsequently saying his phone was “blowing up with emails and texts” praising CC’s comments.

Transcript below:

BANNON: CC in Massachusetts, you’re on Breitbart News Daily, you’ve got Alex and Steve. How can we help you, ma’am?

CC: Yes, I want Donald Trump because Donald Trump, he was put in power, I believe – I’m a believer, I’m a Christian – and I believe that Donald Trump was put here for a purpose. We have to bring America back to how it used to be before, and right now we are in a culture war, and what I want is for him, from now until January 19th, I want him tweeting twice a day, and basically saying, “If the government doesn’t get funded by January 19th, this is the Democrats’ fault.” Blitzing it, I want the RNC blitzing it in all states where the Democrats are weak, where Donald Trump won, because I think what he has to understand is that there are people in the [Democrat Party] who use to be the Democrat base who came with him to vote for him, and they’re going to back him.

What [Donald Trump] has to show is that the Democrats do not want good for the American people. All the Democrats care about is this globalist view. All they care about are the illegal immigrants. They don’t care about you. Show that to the rank and file man and woman. They don’t care about you. All they care about it taking your hard-earned money and giving it to these illegal aliens via food stamps, via medical insurance. Ask the question: “Can you afford medical insurance in America, and you’re an American citizen? No. But these people are getting free medical insurance.”

We have to start pushing the Democrats back on their heels. Donald Trump is not a politician. Donald Trump is a warrior, and he put him in that position because he’s a warrior. He’s going to fight. That’s all we want is for him to fight.

Forget about Chuck and Nancy. I don’t care about Chuck and Nancy. Chuck and Nancy can start and talk all they want, wherever they want to do. I don’t care about them. But you speak to the American people via your tweeting. I love his Twitter. He can tweet, as far as I’m concerned, from now until forever. So continue tweeting twice a day. Let it be known that if the government doesn’t get funded by January 19th, it’s all because of the Democrats, nothing to do with us, because I want to vote to get the government funded.

BANNON: Hey, CC. Hang on for a second, there’s currently an opening in the White House for a chief strategist. I think you just got the job. I don’t want to say you’re channeling me, but that’s maybe the most magnificent call I think we’ve ever had on Breitbart News Daily, and it’s a very high standard.

Let me ask you a question. Do you think everything the president’s done in this talking about amnesty, protection for DACA, and all this stuff, do you think he’s a warrior? Do you think he’s thinking four chess moves ahead, or do you think he’s getting a little soft because he’s getting bad guidance from people around him?

CC: No, no, no, no, no. I don’t think he’s getting soft. I believe that Donald Trump, he thinks beyond, as I said, he’s a chess player. He’s a warrior. This man has gotten back up from many bankruptcies because he’s a fighter. I firmly believe he has a mind of his own. So people around him can talk, but I think he makes the final decision, and I don’t think he’s caving in to that, but I just want him to have clarity, and I want him to really fight. We have to keep on the attack.

I think the theme for 2018 for the Republicans and for the White House, in particular, is attack. We are just constantly attacking. I don’t care. Attack, attack, attack. From now until November. Spend some of that money that we raised in 2016. I want blitzes. I want ads, and then let Chuck and Nancy come to the mic, and when they come to the mic and start defending these illegal immigrants and defending these policies that are totally against American citizens, you capture that and that becomes your ad on a constant loop in Minnesota, constant loop Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, just a constant loop in all these states, because that’s what you want, for them to come out of hiding and stop speaking in this kind of shadow format [where] they’re always speaking like they’re always on a high ground.

Let them come and start defending some of these policies that are indefensible. You capture their voice on tape and then that’s your ad for November, and you just start looping it. You have to start attacking these people, so they will come out of hiding, because they like to speak with a forked tongue kind of way where they speak out of one side of their mouth, they’re saying one thing and another. No, no, no, no, no. You need them to come on, put them on a topic. Let’s start fighting here, now, and let them speak, because you want them to speak so you can capture that and you just play it back to them all year in 2018 until November, because this is ridiculous.

Marlow framed any DACA-themed legislative amnesty proposal as an undermining of “the rule of law,” “sovereignty,” and “the sanctity of our legal immigration system.”

“I’m very concerned that here are people inside the White House who are telling the president that there’s an imperative to grant amnesty. There is zero imperative. In fact, it only serves to hurt him, in my opinion.” said Marlow.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM’s Patriot channel 125 weekdays between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Eastern.


Follow Robert Kraychik on Twitter @rkraychik.