“If you’re going to have a fight, make it a good one,” said Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, predicting that Democrats will contest anyone nominated by President Donald Trump to the Supreme Court, offering his remarks on Wednesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

Perkins advised against selection on a nominee without a clear judicial record.

“The playbook for the Republicans for so many years has been this stealth policy, ‘Well, we really don’t want to signal where this person is on anything and what their judicial philosophy is. We want somebody that can just kind of slide in under the radar,'” Perkins observed, “and of course, how’s that worked out? Not so well.”

Perkins continued, “So this president is not afraid of a fight. We’re seeing this play out right now, because many Republicans in the Senate say, ‘Look, pick the least controversial candidate.”

“It is going to be a fight, no matter what,” held Perkins. “The Democrats are going to fight anybody. They’ll fight their own mother if someone put them up. The issue here is, if you’re going to have a fight, make it a good one, [and] make it worth it, and this president understands that more than any other political leader in this city.”


Perkins praised the Trump administration’s prioritization of First Amendment protections for the free exercise of religion.

“[No] administration has done more for religious freedom and for Christians in terms of defending people’s right to believe, both here and abroad,” Perkins determined. “This is really front and center with this administration, and it’s a very sharp contrast between what we had with Obama and what we would have with Biden.”

Perkins added, “We’re not there yet, but we’re moving in that direction, and all of that could be lost in this election.”

“We took a risk in aggressively supporting Donald Trump,” stated Perkins of institutional Evangelical Christian support for the president. “It paid off. He has followed through, has done almost everything he promised, and actually with more zeal.”

The ideological divide between left and right is unbridgeable, observed Perkins. “There is no common ground [with the left],” he stated. “They don’t want to get long, and this president is saying that some things are worth fighting for . … It’s the president standing up for the values that made America great and and and retain the promise of our greatness again.”

The Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit, an annual event, began on Tuesday and will end on Friday. It is taking place digitally due to the lockdown measures imposed in Washington, D.C.
Breitbart News Daily broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.