Heather Mac Donald, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and contributing editor at City Journal, said an ongoing “crime wave” across America’s largest cities would be shut down “if white children start getting shot in drive-bys.”

“The thing that would really turn it around and get the police back doing what they should be doing is if white children start getting shot in drive-bys, if whites were killed at the rate of blacks at drive-bys,” Mac Donald said on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak.

She continued, “Dozens of blacks are killed every day in drive-bys. Nobody knows about them. They are off the media screen. In Chicago alone this year, 27 children under the age of 15 have been fatally gunned down in drive-by shootings. Can you imagine if 27 white children in Chicago had been fatally gunned down in drive-by shootings? There would be a revolution in that city, if not in the country, but because those kids are black and because their killers are black, the media doesn’t give a damn and policymakers turn their eyes away because you cannot basically talk about black crime without talking about black criminality, and nobody wants to do that. They’re terrified of the subject.”

Mac Donald noted how left-wing media and politicians frame racially disproportionate social metrics — including crime statistics — as functions of “racism.” Such leftist dogma, she added, facilitates lawlessness by retraining law enforcement.

She remarked, “The only thing that can turn this crime wave around is if leaders repudiate the narrative about racist policing and repudiate the idea that law enforcement that has a disparate impact on blacks is by definition racist.”

“If police go back to enforcing the law they will inevitably generate racially disproportionate crime and arrest data. You can see it for yourself. Look at these videos. Videos don’t lie. This wave of savagery — with these smash-in robberies [and] looting — is overwhelmingly black. Who cares? Blacks are also the victims of crime. That’s what we should be caring about, but if the police go back to making arrests, they will be arresting blacks and the ACLUs and the AOCs of the world are going to throw a fit,” Mac Donald stated,

She concluded, “When you stop enforcing the law, you don’t get some progressive utopia. You get savagery. You get the breakdown of civil society. You get the thugs taking over. They are opportunistic. They know what their chances of getting caught are, and when those chances disappear, they take advantage of everybody else.”

Breitbart News Sunday broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Eastern.