A “Snow Moon” is expected to appear between Friday evening and Monday morning— but do not expect it to affect the weather.

According to the Farmer’s Almanac, Native American tribes in the northeast called the second full moon of winter the Snow Moon because of the heavy snow that usually comes in February.

The Snow Moon also happens to be a supermoon, meaning it will be one of the biggest moons of the year and will look larger than normal when rising and setting.

A supermoon takes place when the moon is at its closest point to earth while in orbit, according to NASA.

The moon is important as it is widely celebrated in different cultural traditions. The moon signals the start of Tu BiShvat, or the “New Year of the Trees” in the Jewish tradition.

The moon is also the first full moon to take place during the Chinese New Year, which marks the end of Chinese New Year celebrations and the day the Chinese Lantern Festival takes place.

The Snow Moon will be at its fullest at 2:33 a.m. EST on Sunday, February 9, and is expected to be the first supermoon of 2020.