An extreme Christian group picketed Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ appearance at the Gays for Trump event at the Republican National Convention, with chants of “Milo is a faggot” shouted among various other slogans.

“I am all for a wall, I am all for a Muslim ban, I am all for stricter immigration laws, I am all for it, but a flaming faggot like Milo I am against,” shouted the ringleader through a megaphone while a dozen other men held Westboro Baptist Church style signs in the air.

“Are you Milo?” asked one of the picketers to author, lawyer, and free speech activist Mike Cernovich, who was filming the demonstration.

“Yeah, I’m Milo,” replied Cernovich, attempting to get a reaction from the group.

“Hey Josh, meet Milo!” shouted the man at the ringleader, who ignored the remark and continued to preach through the megaphone.

Numerous spectators then argued with the group, whilst the ringleader claimed God hates Catholicism and that Milo “probably gets molested by the priest as a good little altar boy.”

You can watch the full video below:

Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington or like his page at Facebook.