Breitbart Senior Editor Milo Yiannopoulos gave a speech tonight at Auburn University titled, “How Feminism Hurts Women.”

In the speech Milo focused on how feminists can continue to ruin your life, even if you’ve been acquitted of a false rape claim and how this has driven many men to celibacy.

“Affirmative consent, for those who don’t know, is the idea that if you don’t consent at every stage of a sexual encounter, it’s rape. That means asking for every kiss and asking for every boob squeeze. It’s almost as if feminists want everyone to remain celibate.” said Milo to a packed auditorium. “Just because they can’t get any sex, they want the rest of us to have deserts down there too.”

“Men won’t even get a fair trial. If they’re accused of sexual assault on a college campus, they’ll be hauled before a group of college administrators for a “tribunal,” in which they will be denied legal representation and face a lower standard of evidence than in a criminal court. Even if they somehow beat this rigged system, like Emma Sulkowicz’s victim did, they can still have their lives ruined in the media.”

“When men are being told that they’ll be labelled “harassers” for making an awkward advance, and “rapists” for bad drunken sex or not getting consent for the fifth make-out session, there’s only one logical course of action: retreat.”

“The rise of feminism has fatally coincided with the rise of video games, internet porn, and, sometime in the near future, sex robots. With all these options available, and the growing perils of real-world relationships, men are simply walking away.”

“Men who retreat aren’t necessarily the biggest victims here. They can function without real-world relationships much better than women. The real catastrophe is what it’s doing to society as a whole. Birth rates are collapsing. If you took away immigrant communities, who tend to have higher birth rates, many western countries would have birth rates approximating those of Japan.”

MILO is wearing Team Trump Jersey by Rowdy Republicans ($60). 

Written from prepared remarks. 

Watch Milo’s full talk below.