MILO’s upcoming book Dangerous has already become Amazon’s number one bestseller for the categories of political humor and censorship, beating a number of left-wing books including The Daily Show: An Oral History by Jon Stewart and Chris Smith.

Other books in the political humor category that Dangerous is currently beating, despite being over two months away from release, include Jon Ronson’s The Men Who Stare At Goats, the 2017 Donald Trump Out of Office Countdown, A Child’s First Book of Trump, and Yuge! 30 Years of Doonesbury on Trump.

In Amazon’s “Censorship & Politics” category, Dangerous is currently beating Ray Bradbury’s iconic Fahrenheit 451, Kirsten Powers’ The Silencing: How The Left Is Killing Free Speech, and Vox Day’s SJWs Always Lie, which MILO wrote the foreword for. The Dangerous hardcover edition currently stands at number one, while the Kindle edition is the third best-selling book.

Dangerous also comes in at number two in Amazon’s political commentary and opinion category, beating out Megyn Kelly’s new book Settle for More, Donald Trump’s Great Again: How To Fix Our Crippled America, and Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Reagan: The Violent Assault That Changed a Presidency.

On Thursday, Red Alert Politics predicted that MILO’s book would quickly sell more copies than Hillary Clinton’s Stronger Together, which sold less than 3,000 copies in its first week.

“Progressives are uncomfortable that the ideology they reject is becoming more mainstream and a larger segment of American life. They’d be much happier if publishing companies spent money giving liberal politicians and activists big advances for books that nobody reads or buys like Hillary Clinton’s Stronger Together (sold less than 3,000 copies its first week),” wrote Red Alert. “The best liberal freakouts are yet to come, wait until Yiannopoulos sells more copies of Dangerous than Clinton did of Stronger Together.”

“Milo” became the number one trending topic on Twitter in the U.S. earlier today follow MILO’s announcement of the book, with its publisher Simon and Schuster reaching the third most trending topic, before both suddenly disappeared from Twitter’s trending topics.

Numerous celebrities and media figures complained on Twitter about MILO’s book deal, including Sarah Silverman, who posted: “The guy has freedom of speech but to fund him & give him a platform tells me a LOT about @simonschuster YUCK AND BOO AND GROSS.”

The Chicago Review of Books also announced that they would boycott every book from publisher Simon and Schuster in 2017 as a protest against MILO’s book being published.

“They said banning me from Twitter would finish me off. Just as I predicted, the opposite has happened,” said MILO in a comment to the Hollywood Reporter about his book. “Did it hurt Madonna being banned from MTV in the 1990s? Did all that negative press hurt Donald Trump’s chances of winning the election?”

“I met with top execs at Simon & Schuster earlier in the year and spent half an hour trying to shock them with lewd jokes and outrageous opinions,” he continued. “I thought they were going to have me escorted from the building — but instead they offered me a wheelbarrow full of money.”

“Every line of attack the forces of political correctness try on me fails pathetically,” MILO concluded. “I’m more powerful, more influential, and more fabulous than ever before and this book is the moement Milo goes mainstream. Social justice warriors should be scared — very scared.”

DANGEROUS is available to pre-order now via Amazon, in hardcover and Kindle editions. And yes, MILO is reading the audiobook version himself! 

Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington or like his page at Facebook.