Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) delivered an impassioned speech Tuesday, urging her colleagues to strike down the Equality Act, contending leftists are laying down the rights of women at “the altar of gender ideology.”

They will not stop, she warned, until there is “complete and total compliance” with their definition of gender.

“The equality act equality for who, madam speaker? Where is the equality in this legislation for the young girls across America who will have to look behind their backs as they change in their school locker rooms just to make sure there isn’t a confused man trying to catch a peek?” she inquired.

“Where is the equality for women who have been sexually assaulted under this legislation; their crisis counselor may be Alexis who is actually born Alex and they’ll have to talk to him about their assault?” the Colorado congresswoman asked.

The Equality Act, Boebert said, seeks to replace parents with bureaucrats, briefly recalling an instance where parents in Ohio lost custody of their child after not allowing their daughter to transition to male.

“The left,” she said, “will lay down the rights and security of millions of Americans, particularly young women, at the altar of gender ideology.”

Boebert targeted colleges and universities specifically, referring to them as “liberal indoctrination camps” that are “committed to advancing this radical ideology.”

“The power-hungry left will not slow down until every school, every church, every workplace, every state, and every community adheres to the left’s definition of gender,” the congresswoman said, warning of the ramifications for refusing bow to the left, which she predicted will include fines and imprisonment.

“Let’s make sure the American people know. This is only the beginning. The Equality Act requires doctors to perform abortions, and they’re going to use your tax dollars to pay for them,” Boebert said, adding that the left will begin to target free speech.

“It’s already happened in Canada, where you can be fined and imprisoned for misgendering someone. And they won’t stop there. Nothing will ever satisfy the left until there is complete and total compliance,” she continued.

Boebert summarized scripture from Romans 1, telling the speaker, “Scripture says when speaking of those who have turned their back on God, who have traded the truth for a lie, professing to be wise, they became fools.”

“I can think of no better description of the so-called Equality Act, or inequality act, than this. The utter foolishness. It’s astounding. Up is down. Wrong is right. Left is right, and boys are girls, and vice versa,” she said, urging her colleagues to vote “no” on the “horrendous legislation” for the sake of the children and parental rights, privacy, and decency.

The House is expected to vote on the Biden-backed bill Wednesday. Notably, it would effectively strip an entity’s ability to use the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) as a defense, as NPR noted. That poses a major issue for businesses — such as bake shops refusing to make wedding cakes for a gay wedding due to their religious beliefs — which have come under fire in recent years from leftists, who have accused them of discrimination.

There are also worries over the impact this will have on young women, as the Equality Act opens the door for transgender women, or biological males, to use women’s restrooms and compete in women’s sports, as it bases sex on self-identification rather than biology.