Suzan Shown Harjo, a Native American legal advocate who has reportedly spent nearly a third of her life trying to get the Washington Redskins to change its team name, equated the Redskins name to a drive-by shooting.  

“It’s just like a drive-by shooting,” Harjo said. “They’re trying to make money, and not caring who is injured in the process–or if anyone is injured in the process.”

Harjo was saying, like with drive-by shootings, people who were not meant to be hurt have been hurt by the team name.

She added, “I don’t think they wake up or go to sleep dreaming of ways to hurt Native people. I think they wake up and go to sleep thinking of ways to make money–off hurting Native people.”

According to the Associated Press, Harjo has sued the Redskins before on behalf of Native Americans, only to have her case thrown out due to a technicality in 1999 after she won an initial round.