Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder’s Original Americans Foundation purchased art from members of the Zuni Pueblo tribe on Monday. A self-described Native American “sketch comedy group based in the wooded ghettos of Minnesota and buffalo grass of Oklahoma” sought to peddle a new design of the team’s logo via Twitter. 

From “12-5pm today at Zuni you can sell art to the #Redskins,” informed a tweet of the 1491s, a comedy group. “We can’t be there. Can someone go sell this for us?” The group depicted an altered image of the familiar logo of the Redskins. In the place of the Indian-head logo, the group had inserted male genitalia, substituting “Foreskins” for “Redskins” in the name.

Several members of the Twitterican tribe expressed their approval.

Controversy preceded the arrival of representatives of the Original Americans Foundation in New Mexico. “Be respectful when you arrive,” tribal officials warned members looking to sell their wares. “Do not smell of alcohol or marijuana, or be under the influence.”