The sports media managed to find themselves a Republican from the sports world that they actually like.

What kind of Republican would it take to secure the approval of our reliably leftist sports media? Well, a Muslim Republican who trashes President Trump’s immigration executive order, while making historically inaccurate references to our founding documents.

Enter Jaguars owner Shahid Khan, described by the Sporting News as, “a Republican and Muslim who opposes Donald Trump’s travel freeze.”

According to the New York Times, Khan said, “The bedrock of this country are immigration and really a great separation between church and state. Even for the country, it’s not good.”

Khan continued, viewing Trump’s executive order as, “kind of a sobering time for somebody like me.” He added that the order would prevent the influx of, “tens of thousands of people who can contribute to the making of America.”

While few dispute the importance and relevance of immigrants to America’s history, the notion that our country will cease to exist over the next four months without Middle Eastern refugees, is highly suspect. Nor, would this country have ever become the massive haven for immigrants throughout history had we made a habit of letting in people from terrorist-infested countries, without a workable vetting system.

As for separation of church and state, clearly Mr. Khan must have studied bedrock American principles at the Chuck Schumer School of Advanced Leftist Demagoguery. The words “separation of church and state” appear nowhere in the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, or Bill of Rights, which are the places where our founders put all the “bedrock principles.”

It appears only in a letter that Thomas Jefferson sent to the Danbury Baptists in 1802. It did not appear in the mainstream vernacular of American jurisprudence until the Supreme Court case Everson vs. Board of Education in 1947, where a racist and one-time Klansman justice named Hugo Black, who did not believe in the supernatural aspects of Christianity, inserted the quote in order to hurt religion in future cases.

And, thanks to the American left’s shameless quoting of a Klansman, a man they would otherwise claim to disagree with, Justice Black succeeded in doing just that.

70 years after Everson, the left is just as willing to quote someone saying something historically inaccurate to advance their agenda.

My, how things haven’t changed.

Follow Dylan Gwinn on Twitter: @themightygwinn