Well, we should have seen this one coming.

On Tuesday, Michael Vick suggested that unemployed former 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick should “get a haircut” in order to help his chances of catching on with another team. On Wednesday, Vick clarified those remarks, saying his remarks about Kaepernick were not made “in malice.”

Not surprisingly, on Thursday, Vick came full circle and apologized for the comments altogether. According to ESPN, during an appearance on The Dan Patrick Show, Vick said, “At the end of the day, what I said, I should have never said. I think it was taken out of context in regards to what I was trying to convey, but I only want to help Kaepernick. I’m not a general manager, I’m not the guy who makes the decisions on getting him signed and I’m truly sorry for what I said. I think I should have used a better choice of words.

“Obviously his Afro has nothing to do with him being signed, and I wasn’t trying to relay that message. It was more so about helping him at the end of the day. In all my interviews, all I have ever tried to do is help him and talk positive.”

While Kaepernick’s hair doesn’t constitute the entire reason for why he’s unemployed, getting it cut is still good advice. Cleaning up someone’s appearance when looking for a job is normal standard operating procedure, regardless of whether someone has made a national embarrassment or not.

Which makes Vick’s apology all the more disturbing. Vick himself used this advice by removing his cornrows after he got out of prison, a move that helped to soften his image in the public eye. Now people have to apologize for giving good advice?

Make it stop.

Follow Dylan Gwinn on Twitter: @themightygwinn