Detroit Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford may not be well known for speaking out on the politics of the day, but his wife, Kelly Stafford, gave it a whirl by trying to get everyone on the same page about the national anthem. Naturally, she was attacked for her sentiment.

Mrs. Stafford took to her Instagram account to remind everyone that the national anthem is not the “national police song.” So everyone should stand for its playing if they truly love America.

Stafford began her note to fans with a quote from author Mitch Albom:

If you think the country can be better, stand for the ideal. If you think the answer is people showing unity, stand with them. The anthem is not the national police song. The anthem is not the national racists song. The anthem is an exercise in how this country can endure and rise, how we can agree on its future potential, even while struggling with its present.

The anthem’s words depict a flag that is suffering through bombs and rockets. You could easily view those bombs and rockets as the challenges our democracy faces today, and the flag a symbol of rising above them.

Then she jumped in with her own thoughts on the matter:

I’ve been hesitant to talk about this, as I know I will get backlash from it… but I believe we can stand and show our unity against everything that doesn’t represent what this flag stands for. Let’s stand united against terrorists, against racism, against white supremacists, against killing of cops, against police brutality, against sex slave trafficking… against anything that is not the ideal for this country.

Let’s unite in the fact that God made us all unique and different and that is something we should cherish. You can disagree with me and that is totally ok.. let’s use this forum to discuss (not yell at each other) and listen to one another.

Well, as expected, Kelly Stafford did get her expected backlash. In fact, Stafford felt enough pressure to post an apologetic followup insisting she meant no “disrespect” with her initial post on the anthem:

I truly meant no disrespect with my last post. If you know me personally, you know I love (mostly) everyone, and I try to be as open as possible! I want us all to be united, and I think that tales putting opinions out there, hearing them, and discussing whether agreeing or not… I believe that’s what inspires change. There are many comments that have truly opened my eyes to things I did not think about or know. I hope the posts and discussions keep happening…

Stafford then noted that she had to get back to caring for her adorable twin baby girls which were born only a few months ago on March 31.

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