We may or may not, but definitely are, fast approaching a point, where the vast majority of the world’s ills can be traced back to ESPN.

On Wednesday night, a banner reading, “Racism is as American as Baseball,” was unfurled over the Green Monster at Fenway Park. This occurred during an actual game that featured the Red Sox and the Oakland A’s:

While the Red Sox called those who pulled off the stunt, “fans,” on Thursday, we unsurprisingly learned that the culprits were not simply fans. Instead, they were members of Boston Antifa, who proudly claimed responsibility for the act on their twitter page:

Again, none of that is the least bit surprising. However, a close read of their statement reveals a rich little detail, considering all the controversy currently surrounding ESPN. Boston Antifa claims that an ESPN writer inspired them to perform this act. The above statement reads, “We were largely inspired by Howard Bryant who now writes for ESPN. His article ‘Don’t expect protests in baseball–it’s a white man’s game by design’ was inspirational.””

There aren’t enough, “I told you so’s” in the “I told you so” factory, to do justice to this revelation. While ESPN has been running themselves in circles trying to shoot down the idea that they are what they are, a leftist cable-network with highlight reels. In addition to engaging in rank hypocrisy in how they treat their liberal host’s versus their conservative hosts.

Here we have confirmation from the mouths of the heathen rank-and-file themselves, that the words of ESPN writers aren’t just in-league with their views, but the words of ESPN writers inform and inspire their actions.

Let that sink in.