One cannot overlook the irony of a business which shares the initials of the Better Business Bureau, getting an “F” rating from the nation’s premier advocate of marketplace trust.

However, that’s exactly what happened to LaVar Ball’s Big Baller Brand.

The Better Business Bureau told TMZ Sports, that Big Baller Brand has earned the BBB’s dreaded “F” rating. LaVar Ball’s merchandising operation has been inundated with negative reviews, and virtually no positive reviews.

According to TMZ, the BBB reached out to Big Baller Brand on two separate occasions to help them clean-up their act, but those calls were not returned.

In a video that can be watched here, Blair Looney, CEO of Better Bus. Bureau Central CA, tells TMZ Sports about the dangers consumers face when buying from Big Baller.

“This is very definitely substandard normal business practices for anybody.”

“As a result of the repeat pattern of complaints, the volume of complaints, Big Baller now has an F rating with the BBB, which is the lowest rating possible in the BBB system.”

LaVar Ball better hope his kids improve a lot at basketball, this merchandising thing doesn’t seem to be his forte.