Court-storming has become more and more common in college basketball over the years. What’s less common is emotional behind the scenes footage of angry players who have lost, smashing glass fire extinguisher cases in the hallway after the game.

Well, that happened.

In the moments following Nevada’s road loss to Utah State on Saturday, victorious Aggie fans stormed the court to celebrate. However, the celebration, or some of the antics that occurred during the celebration, were not appreciated by Nevada players who were trying to exit the court.

As a result, several Nevada players became enraged, with at least one having to be restrained. Oh, and Jordan Carolina broke a glass fire extinguisher case.

Watch (NSFW):

Nevada coaches also let the police know they were less than pleased with how Utah State fans touched their players:


Nevada declined to speak to the press after the game.

Follow Dylan Gwinn on Twitter @themightygwinn