A New York high school soccer coach is facing criticism for taking his team of teenage boys to Hooters, to perk them up after a recent loss.

On November 2, Blake White, coach of the upstate Lake George High School soccer team, took the boys to the restaurant chain known for its busty, scantily clad waitresses.

White hoped to give his previously undefeated team a bit of fun after losing a championship sectional game, according to the Times-Union.

But once district officials found out about the trip to the restaurant, some questioned White’s judgment.

Lake George Central School District Superintendent, Lynne Rutnik, acknowledged that the district is aware of the situation and is looking into it. “It’s been taken seriously, and we addressed it,” Rutnik said.

“As a female superintendent, I took this very seriously and addressed it immediately with the students and the individual,” Rutnik added.

The district’s school board president, Tricia Biles, also spoke of the incident and said, “We at the board level are aware of what occurred,” and added that “Corrective action is being taken.”

The district reported that coach White and the team were brought together for a meeting where the kids were told that the dinner was “not in line” with the school athletic program’s “community values.”

The school refused to say if coach White, who has also been an elementary school teacher for 30 years, would continue to instruct the team.

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