UFC President Dana White blasted a New York Times writer during his post-fight press conference in Jacksonville.

White took a stick to the “paper of record” for its criticism of the UFC’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. White has been champing at the bit to re-start his business despite the many different lockdowns across the world, and he is plainly increasingly fed up with the media’s attacks.

White was asked about the Times’ coverage in particular, and their criticism of how the UFC enforced their coronavirus protocols. White’s response was proof that he has had it.

“Fuck that guy,” White said without naming the particular reporter. “Fuck that guy. You know what happened with that guy? That guy, who has never covered the sport ever before, was writing a story about Endeavor and then the UFC was one of the Endeavour, you know… and what do you think happened when this guy who, and this paper, who covered the UFC when they never covered it before? What do you think happened? The fucking story was huge. It did killer traffic. Now they’re writing stories, three a week, and their posting live results. I don’t give a shit what that guy thinks, what he has to say, or what he writes. Good for him! He’s pulling good traffic.”

White also interrupted a second question about the press coverage. “I don’t give a fuck,” he said, shutting the question down flat.

White was referring to an article by Times writer Kevin Draper who chastised the UFC for having “spotty” enforcement of its own coronavirus social distancing policies.

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