Left-wing attack machine and former sportscaster Keith Olbermann insisted in a Tuesday tweet that Texans should not be allowed to have the coronavirus vaccine because of the state’s Republican-led policies.

Olbermann jumped to Twitter to attack Texas after the state’s Republican Gov. Gregg Abbott sent out a message that he was putting an end to the state’s mask mandate and allow businesses to fully reopen.

In reply to the gov’s tweet, Keith Olbermann took a swipe at Texas, saying, “Why are we wasting vaccinations on Texas if Texas has decided to join the side of the virus?”

Olbermann also called Abbott a “mass murderer” in another tweet:

Since he left ESPN last October, Olbermann has once again jumped into his extremist, left-wing political commentary to toss his political bombs, call names, and advocate for any manner of anti-American policies.

Just after leaving ESPN, for instance, Olbermann called Trump voters “maggots” who “must be prosecuted. He then called for the “arrest” of Trump, and also called for Trump to be sentenced to death.

Trump is not the only person who Olbermann wanted to arrest for having a contrary political position. In November, Olbermann called for the arrest of Fox News host Tucker Carlson merely because he opposes Olbermann’s political ideas.

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