Two more lawsuits have been filed by women accusing Houston Texans player Deshaun Watson of sexual misconduct, bringing the total of suits to 21.

After the two new suits were filed, Tony Buzbee, the attorney behind the suits, insisted that he and his clients do not feel comfortable going to the Houston Police Department with the evidence against Watson. He said they “will go elsewhere to provide our evidence to investigative authorities.”

Buzbee claims that the police may be compromised, ESPN reported.

“My legal opponent, Mr. Hardin, has a son who is on … the exclusive Command Staff of HPD,” Buzbee wrote on Instagram. “I am not saying in any way that Deshaun Watson’s lawyer, Mr. Hardin, has a son who has a position that would compromise HPD and its investigation. I support his service, along with all Houston police officers-I think the rank and file know that.”

One woman claims that Watson “made obscene sexual gestures” at her of the two latest lawsuits. The second says Watson “purposefully” exposed his private parts in her presence, touched her with his penis, then groped her and forced her to perform oral sex on him.

On Monday, another lawsuit filed against the player contended that Watson was systematically deleting Instagram posts and privately contacting women and offering out-of-court settlements.

Watson’s lawyer, Rusty Hardin, denied the accusations and added that none of the allegations against his client have any validity. Hardin also slammed Buzbee as pushing a money grab.

“Opposing counsel’s continued statements that these cases aren’t about money do not square with the facts in at least two of these cases,” Hardin said. “It is incredibly irresponsible to continue to make these types of false allegations in this avalanche of anonymous lawsuits, particularly while we are still trying to find out who the accusers are. We will address these issues and others raised in these cases in our formal response to the court in the coming weeks.”

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