Tampa Bay Buccaneers cornerback Carlton Davis tweeted an anti-Asian slur Saturday night, then quickly deleted it before claiming he didn’t know it was a slur.

Davis tweeted, “Gotta stop letting g–ks in Miami.” The word “G**k” is a derogatory term frequently used against people of Asian descent.

Davis, however, claims that it was not his intent to offend and that he didn’t know the word “g**k” was a slur.

After deleting his initial tweet, Davis followed up with an apology and explanation.

“I would never offend any group of people,” Davis wrote. “You reporters can look for another story to blow up. The term was directed towards a producer claiming he ‘ran Miami’ With that being said I’ll retire that word from my vocabulary giving the hard times our Asian family are enduring.”

Davis continued,  “I used a term that from where I come from has always meant ‘lame’ but I did not realize it has a much darker, negative connotation. I have learned a valuable lesson and want to apologize to anyone that was offended by seeing that word because we need to focus on helping each other during these tough times.”

Large, primarily Democrat-run cities have seen a large increase in the number of race-driven attacks on Asians.

“The Asian American Journalists Association released a statement condemning his tweet, ‘especially at a time when Asians in the United States are experiencing a sharp increase in anti-Asian hate,'” the New York Post reports.

The NFL has not said whether Davis will face disciplinary action.