Former ESPN reporter Allison Williams says that Joe Biden sounds like a “dictator” when threatening vaccine mandates.

Williams initially announced that she was temporarily stepping away from ESPN because she was trying to become pregnant and did not want to complicate her medical issues by taking a coronavirus vaccine. But this month, it was revealed that she was permanently out at ESPN for her decision not to obey the network’s vaccine mandate.

Now, Williams is speaking out about the vaccine issue telling Sirius XM host Megyn Kelly that she is laying the most significant amount of blame on Biden’s “crazy” mandates.

“I have never been so jarred by anything a president has said, and I know Trump said some really crazy things, but to hear the leader of the free world stand up and say, ‘This isn’t about your freedom,’ I thought, oh my God. It is always about our freedom,” Williams told Kelly on Thursday. “This country exists on the principle of freedom. We are the land of the free and the home of the brave, and if we don’t have freedom over our own bodies, if our bodily autonomy is not respected, this God-given Constitutionally protected right to determine what we do with our bodies, we aren’t free.

“That was something a dictator says. That is not something a leader of free people says,” Williams added.


“Everybody acts like, ‘OK, this was your choice. You chose not to get it, so go get a different job.’ That’s not consent; that’s coercion,” Williams added. “Consent is fundamental to everything we do if we want to be a free people. … And that is why I think it’s so important for people to realize this is bigger than this mandate. This is bigger than this shot. There is something at play here that I don’t know what it is, but it is chipping away at the very foundation of which this country was built on.”

(Don Juan Moore/Getty Images)

Williams noted that ESPN refused her request for an exemption and denied her the ability to perform her job via video remote. And so, Williams walked away.

“I mean, I walked away from the largest contract in my career, and it was contingent on me getting an injection, which I was morally, ethically, and medically opposed to,” Williams said.

The former ESPN sideline reporter continued saying, “So when it came down to it, I knew I couldn’t get it, and when they denied my request for accommodation, I was very surprised because I had hosted for them in the past. And I had hosted virtually, so I didn’t know why I couldn’t continue to host shows virtually without causing an undue burden on the company, but they did not see it that way. I have to live with that decision.”

Williams also pointed out that many companies are forcing vaccine mandates not because it is good for employees and their health but because they are bowing to outside political pressure.

(RADEK MICA/AFP via Getty Images)

“They’re essentially taking away what they believe is best for you because of the bureaucracy and the pressure that happens when you involve politics in medicine,” Williams exclaimed.

“This is a really dangerous space to occupy. And it scares me that people are not only supporting this but encouraging it. Medical decisions need to be for individuals, not for the population en mass,” Williams concluded.

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