Political consultant and former sports reporter Michele Tafoya blasted left-wing sports radio host Dan Le Batard for “ambushing” her in a recent interview merely because they have different political ideas.

Tafoya said Le Batard contacted her and asked if she would appear on his podcast to discuss her sports career and current projects. But instead, most of the interview focused on Tafoya’s conservative politics.

“I was invited onto a podcast recently and I was invited with this ‘We wanna talk about your great career and your new podcast. Is it okay if we talk to you for about 30 or 40 minutes?’” Tafoya told Fox News host Greg Gutfeld, according to Outkick.

“It was someone I knew from my past. So I said, okay. Yeah, the second I got on, BAM, was ambushed with ‘You’re anti-CRT, You’re a racist. You cannot read the Florida law without it being a homophobe — I mean, I was absolutely ambushed,” she added.

Thursday’s podcast most certainly got heated:

In one case, for instance, Tafoya defended Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law.

“I’ve read what you refer to as the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill and nowhere in that bill does it say ‘Don’t Say Gay.’ I think we’re mislabeling that bill,” Tafoya said to Le Batard and his crew.

“Not everything has to be taught in school and a lot of this stuff can be taught at home. And if parents decide and vote in people that want to represent their notion that, ‘You know, I’d like to do this my way at home because we have our own social values,'” she said.

Le Batard tried to claim he is a centrist politically. But, if he truly thinks so, he’s only fooling himself. And he repeated it during the interview when he insisted, “I think I’m in the middle.”

Tafoya disagreed, saying, “Well that’s — then I wouldn’t say that you are on the far Left. And I wouldn’t — I don’t know who sees me on the far Right. I mean, I’m a pro-choice libertarian. I don’t know how that makes me far Right.”

“All I am is a fiscal conservative who really wants America to come together and for people to be able to realize their potentials and not be told that they’re oppressed or that they are an oppressor,” she explained.

“That kind of boils it down for me. I’d like to see some law and order, so people don’t get hurt,” she added.

Tafoya has, of course, been a target of media attacks before. Only a few months ago, she was blistered by the media for her position on Critical Race Theory.

Despite claiming to be “in the middle,” Le Batard has never been less than a reliable leftist. Just last year, for instance, he was lit up for laughing that an NBA player who wouldn’t take a knee during the national anthem blew out his knee during a game.

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