Things were far less than cordial when Southern and Prairie View got together for their annual game on Saturday. How bad were they? Well, they pretty much beat the heck out of each other.

Southern trounced Prairie View 45-13 during the game. But before the longtime rivals faced off on the field, they met near the back of the end zone where they commenced to wail upon each other in a fight that involved dozens of players.

As for what led to the fight, it’s always hard to tell the exact cause. However, it does appear there was a little more beef this year than just the classic rivalry between the two schools. Southern made a big offseason move by hiring away Prairie View’s head coach Eric Dooley. While Dooley spent four years at Prairie View, he is an alum of Southern and began his coaching career there. Indeed, there was some jawing back-and-forth between the coaching staff of the two teams.

It’s probably not far-fetched to believe that the trash-talking coaches infused their players with something a little extra for this game.