Milo Yiannopoulos attended the University of Minnesota on Wednesday to deliver a joint-talk with American Enterprise Institute scholar Christina Hoff Sommers, during which he dispelled the gender pay gap myth, debated sexual consent on campuses, and was protested by a group of the misinformed armed with air-horn sirens. Yiannopoulos also declared during the speech that third-wave feminists were waging war against working-class men.

“It’s as much a class war as it is a gender war” stated Yiannopoulos. “Much of it is perpetrated by white middle-class women who are the most privileged group in the history of our civilisation, of our species. They are the most privileged people ever to have lived[…] sort of waging war on working-class men. Now most of my readers fall into that second category, and I see the sort of injustice perpetrated on them and the sort of language used about them.”

“And I see parallels in the way that the Republican establishment talks about their own voters, about its own base,” he elaborated. “You’ve got Rick Wilson, this GOP strategist, going on Fox News and saying that these are all anime-watching weirdoes, and I just think to myself, you know what Rick Wilson, fuck you.”

“I see feminism in very much the same way,” he declared. “It is a sort of class hatred and class hostility perpetrated by well-fed, well-educated coastal bloggers on all the rest of us.”

Yiannopoulos packed the 250-seat auditorium on Wednesday and has since moved on to the next date in his ‘Dangerous Faggot’ tour: the Anarchapulco Conference in Acapulco, Mexico.

Charlie Nash is a regular contributor to Breitbart Tech and former editor of the Squid Magazine. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington.