SYRACUSE, N.Y., March 4 (UPI) — A New York man who says he was conceived at a local radio station’s music festival is seeking his biological father through Facebook.

Jette Collins, 18, shared a photo of himself holding a sign claiming that his mother met his biological father at the first ever “K-Rockathon” concert in 1996.

“I am looking for a man by the name of Jason that lived in Syracuse, NY in 1996,” the sign read. “He went to the first K-Rockathon in 1996 and met a girl named Diana Collins. I am the product of that night. I am not asking for anything. Just would like to meet my biological father.”

Collins added that while his expectations weren’t high, he hoped that the photo could gain enough traction to help him meet his father.

“I don’t know if this actually works but I’m going to try it, just hoping for the best and a little luck. Help a kid out,” he wrote.

The photo quickly spread around the Internet, garnering almost 10,000 shares and catching the attention of K-Rock radio host Rainman.

“Didn’t meet my biological father til I was 21, I wanna help Jette out. Hits close to home for me. Please RT this,” he tweeted.