Speaking to a number of Silicon Valley elites at a tech themed meeting at Trump Tower, President-elect Donald Trump stated his intentions to have an open dialogue with the tech executives and repeated his dedication to innovation.

Trump addressed the room of tech executives from companies such as Apple, Twitter, Alphabet, and Tesla, discussing the future of technology in America and praising the executives for their skills.

“Even more importantly, we want you to keep going with the incredible innovation,” said Trump. “There’s nobody like you in the world. In the world. There’s nobody like the people in this room. And anything we can do to help this go along, and we’re going to be there for you. And you’ll call my people, you’ll call me. It doesn’t make any difference. We have no formal chain of command around here.”

“And we’re going to make fair trade deals. We’re going to make it a lot easier for you to trade across borders,” added Trump.

“There’s a lot of restrictions, a lot of problems that I think you see. And if you have any ideas on that, that would be great. Because there are a lot of border restrictions and a lot of border problems,” he said. “You probably have less of a problem than some companies. Some companies have massive problems. But we’re going to solve those problems.”

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart Tech covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at lnolan@breitbart.com