With the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency, self-proclaimed community organizers at Cal Poly State University say they are worried that the campus has become vulnerable to hate, bigotry and violence, which they claim has been “on the rise.”

The Cal Poly Students for Quality Education (SQE) is asking students, faculty and community members to complete a short questionnaire on their website so that they can demand more “accessible” avenues to report bias—both perceived and actual.

On December 18, the group posted a link to a questionnaire, with the following message:

Under Trump’s administration–it is critical that students have accessible and reliable ways to report instances of bias based on perceived or actual race, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, ability, immigration status, religion, etc. As a community, we need to stand strong and look out for each other, while holding those who subscribe to bigotry and hate accountable. A reminder: when we organize, we win.

In its questionnaire, the group highlights institutions like UC San Diego, UC Davis and CU Boulder, all of which “offer reporting systems outside of federally mandated title 9 [sic] programs.” Such reporting systems include “dedicated online reporting forms, which trigger their own respective investigations.” Cal Poly SQE notes that these assist in “reporting instances of racism, transphobia, homophobia, Islamaphobia [sic] ect. [sic] on our campuses—whether that be a violent physical assault, or aggressive bullying, or another form of targeting–through easy to understand online forms.”

Legally-defined mechanisms (like Title IX) are not enough for these SJWs, who seek to redefine bias under their own politically-correct terms and make the entire university a “safe space” for themselves and their allies. Moreover, “perceived bias” is an incredibly convenient term for progressives, as it places all power with the offended and those with hurt feelings, even when no offence was meant.

The questionnaire is the latest in a series of erratic actions by Cal Poly progressives ahead of Milo Yiannopoulos’ upcoming visit to Cal Poly, which is scheduled for January 31. Over the last month, Cal Poly SQE’s Facebook page has been littered with anti-MILO propaganda, flagging the upcoming event as “hate speech.”

Cal Poly SQE is, in fact, run by the same group of students who run SLO Solidarity and Cal Poly Queer Student Union. Mick Bruckner, the VP of Activism and Advocacy for the Queer Student Union and an active leader of SLO Solidarity, is a current intern at the CFA, and is an active leader of the group.

All of these groups have used similar tactics to protest Cal Poly’s defense of MILO’s First Amendment rights, and have a tendency to share smears regarding MILO on Facebook.

Since kicking and screaming hasn’t worked, these same progressives are now seeking to change the rules from within, and censor future conservative speakers on campus.