TBS-owned media company Super Deluxe has created a game called Punch-A-Nazi featuring a digital avatar of Breitbart Senior editor MILO and promoted the game with a livestream on Facebook showing him punched in the face repeatedly.

The game features three characters for players to beat up: Adolf Hitler, white nationalist Richard Spencer, and MILO. Lumping in Milo — a gay Jew who just weeks ago told students at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs “White Nationalism Is Not the Answer” — reveals how little the developers know about people that they think deserve maiming.

A video stream of the game being played had 616,521 views at the time of this writing, with over 62,000 “Likes,” “Love,” and “Haha” reactions to watching a gay conservative being beaten until his face was an unrecognizable bloody wreck. In the past liberals were horrified at the idea of people viciously beating a homosexual but now seem to actively encourage and glorify it in the hysteria prompted by Donald Trump’s election.

The game features a control mechanic that has players connect their phone to the game by visiting a web page and entering an onscreen code. The phone then acts as a controller for the game, allowing players to hold the phone and punch the air in order to virtually beat up the onscreen characters.

The game was released shortly after left wing hysteria over MILO’s events reached its peak resulting in riots at UC Berkeley, shutting down MILO’s speech at the college. Berkeley college professor Robert Reich baselessly suggested that the event was a false flag attack organised by MILO or Breitbart News. Despite no evidence to support such a conspiracy theory and the report that one of the groups behind the protests was allegedly funded by George Soros, the smear has been repeated on the UC Berkeley blog, left-wing site Slate, and in Newsweek.

Super Deluxe is owned by Turner Broadcasting System and “operates independently in Downtown LA.” according to the company’s Facebook page. Super Deluxe gained attention during the 2016 presidential election with a series of satirical videos about Donald Trump from Vic Berger, a frequent collaborator with Tim Heidecker, who, along with Eric Wareheim, is part of the comedy team Tim & Eric. Heidecker and Wareheim also have “signed a development and production agreement” with Super Deluxe, according to Variety.

When asked for comment on the game MILO said, “Although I have no great fear of being punched — under certain circumstances I practically beg for it — I prefer to take my licks from Nigerian rent boys, not sweaty social justice losers. Hard pass!”