According to a new report from, Breitbart News has the ‘most engaging right-leaning’ Facebook page since President Trump’s election.

In a report published by titled “Conservative media gets even bigger under Trump,” social media analysis company Newswhip compiled information relating to the growth of conservative media under President Trump. Axios states that according to analytics from Newswhip, “Breitbart has become the most engaging right-leaning Facebook page since Trump’s election.” Describing the impact of Breitbart’s social media presence, Axios said that Breitbart had, “ignited a fire under Trump’s populist wing with controversioal personalities and hyper-partisan rhetoric.”

Breitbart News is ranked 61st in the United States by Alexa, and traffic for the first five months of 2017 is up 59% over the same period of time in 2016.

Another interesting finding of this study is that conservative websites have seen an increase in social media growth and website traffic since the election, while liberal websites have enjoyed considerably less growth. Axios also makes the observation in their report that, “while everyone obsesses about Trump on Twitter, his Facebook fan base was much larger and probably more consequential in shaping public opinion.”

Aside from five other major companies, The Drudge Report is responsible for driving the most traffic to news websites, directing more traffic than even Google News. The trend of advertisers being pressured by left-wing groups to pull their advertisements from right-wing websites or platforms is only going to increase according to Axios. Steve Passwaiter, VP at advertising measurement firm Kantar Media stated, “Brand safety is becoming just as, if not more important, than ROI (return on investment). It used to be that a controversial interview was a good thing. Go for the big-name interview and take advantage of the numbers. But that’s just not the case anymore.”

Read the full report from Axios here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at