Former Breitbart News Senior Editor MILO appeared on Friday on Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 with Breitbart London Editor Raheem Kassam to discuss the upcoming Free Speech Week in Berkeley and President Donald Trump’s recent DACA decision.

Discussing MILO’s Free Speech Week at Berkeley, Breitbart London Editor Raheem Kassam stated, “It’s actually a coming-together of our two books, MILO, which came out at similar times, because Berkeley is a ‘No Go Zone,’ for conservatives and it’s very ‘DANGEROUS.'”

“You’re quite right!” MILO replied. “It is, and your book about the threat to Europe and the rest of the Western world with Muslim immigration and mine about free speech and free expression, these are the reasons Trump was elected, these are the reasons we liked him because he had good positions on those two big, important subjects.”

“They’re the reasons we flew three thousand miles and changed our lives to be here!” Kassam concurred.

“I think this revolution on which we have both rode, and America is currently enjoying this populist, nationalist, anti-political correctness, pro free speech, conservative and libertarian revolution, that will survive Trump if he goes bad,” MILO continued. “But with more Democrats being spotted in the oval office and more bad signs coming from this administration, the more important it is that we demonstrate an independence of thought and the fact that this movement can survive with or without the guy.”

“But it is very depressing,” continued MILO, “but at least though we all have our own individual platforms, we all have our opportunity to call him out when he’s doing a bad job, which at least is something conservatives have over liberals.”

Kassam replied, “This is my point about this document, because what it asks him to call out are these sort of amorphous terms that are going to be used to silence people like you and I, that are going to be used to shut down websites like Breitbart, because — look, it says that we have to condemn white supremacy, but they call Steve Bannon a white supremacist — so by that measure the President is signing a resolution that calls for the silencing of us.”

“Now I’m not a white supremacist, and I don’t think anyone I know or you, I don’t see anybody that’s racist in my immediate surroundings, but this is how they start,” he continued. “You and I watched it take place in Europe, we watched it take place in the United Kingdom where a person goes to jail for placing a slice of bacon outside a mosque but grooming Muslim pedophiles in Rotherham get off and, it looks like it’s coming here MILO.”

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at