Visitors to the popular porn website PornHub may have been infected by hackers who hijacked the site’s “advertising supply chain,” according to a report.

“The attack saw hackers hijack advertising platforms to deliver fake browser updates for the three most popular Windows browsers,” reported Sky News. “The cyber criminals created fake advertisements that would appear as security warnings on the Chrome, Firefox and Edge web browsers – telling users they needed to apply a critical update.”

According to cybersecurity company Proofpoint, the hackers’ attack may have “exposed millions of potential victims in the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia,” using fake updates, which “could just as easily have been ransomware, an information stealer, or any other malware.”

“Regardless, threat actors are following the money and looking to more effective combinations of social engineering, targeting, and pre-filtering to infect new victims at scale,” they explained.

It is suspected that PornHub was targetted because of the popularity of the site.

In April, a court order sought to reveal the identities of “potentially thousands” of PornHub users who allegedly uploaded copyrighted material to the site.

Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington and Gab @Nash, or like his page at Facebook.