As the end of the year draws near and conservatives continue to celebrate just how much winning has occurred since Donald Trump’s election, it’s time to look back on some of the president’s best tweets of 2017.

President Trump’s Twitter prowess was long known before he entered the world of politics, but throughout 2017, the president continued to use the social media tool that helped him get elected to reach out to his supporters directly, comment on political issues and call out those that attacked him head-on. Here are just some of the President’s best tweets of the past year.

1: North Korea and the Rocket Man

In one of President Trump’s funniest tweets, he called out North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un for remarks he made about Trump. The president delivered a sarcastic non-insult, stating that he would “NEVER” call the Korean dictator “short and fat”:

2: The CNN Knockout

In another stroke of genius trolling, President Trump shared an edited clip of his 2007 appearance on WWE’s Wrestlemania. The gif showed the president body slamming a wrestler with the CNN logo superimposed over his face. At the time, President Trump’s Homeland Security Advisor, Thomas Bossert, defended the tweet, saying, “There’s a lot of cable-news shows that reach directly into hundreds of thousands of viewers. And they’re really not always very fair to the president. So I’m pretty proud of the president for developing a Twitter and a social media platform where he can talk directly to the American people.”

So far, President Trump has posted 36 tweets that mention CNN by name and 146 tweets that use the term “Fake News.” Given the mainstream media’s continued attacks against Trump, it’s likely that we will see a large growth in the use of these terms in 2018.

3: Covfefe

In a true example of the power of President Trump’s Twitter account, a single misspelled word in a tweet spawned an entire new meme and Breitbart News Coffee Mug. The President sent out a tweet which read, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe”:

This error led to a number of memes surrounding the president and what “covfefe” could mean:

The president even played along with the meme himself, challenging others to discover the true meaning of “covfefe”:

4: The Inauguration Tweet

On January 20th, then President-elect Trump sent out a tweet, echoing many of his campaign promises. “I will see you at 11: A.M. for the swearing-in,” tweeted the President. “THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES – THE WORK BEGINS!” This echoed many of Trump’s tweets during the 2016 election when he promised to get to work immediately on draining the D.C. swamp of the corrupt political elite.

5: Freedom Ball Dance

In a slightly more serious tweet, President Trump posted a video of him dancing with First Lady Melania Trump at the Freedom Ball shortly after Trump’s Presidential inauguration. The tweet was well received by his Twitter fans, who favorited the tweet nearly 300,000 times.

6: London Bridge Terror Attack

Shortly after a terror attack in London that saw eight murdered and 48 more injured, the president took to Twitter to offer help in a display of solidarity with the UK. The President promised that America would do whatever they could to help those in London, ending the tweet saying, “WE ARE WITH YOU. GOD BLESS!”

President Trump also noted that countries needed to get serious about the security of their people or the problem of terrorism would only get worse:

7: CNN Train Tweet

Following President Trump’s remarks regarding the death of a protester at Charlottesville, President Trump condemned the fake news spread by outlets such as CNN who attempted to imply that the president was not sufficiently critical of the rally:

A short time later, President Trump retweeted a cartoon featuring CNN trying to stop the Trump Train, which the mainstream media attempted to turn into another attack on the president.

8: Women’s March Protests

Shortly after President Trump’s inauguration, a George Soros funded “Women’s March” was held in Washington, DC in protest , accusing him of being a misogynist, among a number of other labels. Trump responded to the march by asking why these people had not chosen to vote to prevent him from becoming president:

He also commended the protesters for their peaceful methods:

9: Big Tax Cuts

Following the passing of the new GOP tax bill, President Trump took to Twitter to praise the cuts and attack the “Fake News Media” who criticised the bill.

President Trump also retweeted an interview with his daughter, Ivanka Trump, in which she said that the average American family can’t come up with $400 in the event of an emergency and that her father was dedicated to changing that, to which Trump said, “So true!”

10: Make America Great Again

In what is probably one of the most defining phrases in all of President Trump’s rhetoric is his campaign slogan of “Make America Great Again.” In a tweet from February 4th, just before President Trump’s proposed travel ban was blocked by a federal judge, the president simply tweeted his key catchphrase:

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at