Former Evergreen State College Professor Bret Weinstein claims that the college brought in a civil rights attorney to defend stripping guest speakers of their right to speak.

“Evergreen is desperately trying to escape the hole it dug for itself last year,” Weinstein tweeted on Wednesday. “But it refuses to comprehend what occurred, and so it digs down, not out. @EvergreenStCol admin brought in constitutional lawyer, Alan Levine, to publicly rationalize deplatforming. I went.”

Weinstein claims that the attorney, Alan Levine, spent an hour mischaracterizing high profile incidents that involved attempts by students and faculty around the country to restrict expression rights.

“Levine spent an hour misportraying well documented events on other campuses and nastily caricaturing good people including [Nicholas Christakis], [Erika Christakis], [Greg Lukianoff], and (implicitly) [Jonathan Haidt]. Levine ignored the Evergreen riots entirely.”

Weinstein tweeted his critique of Levine’s presentation:

At the event, Weinstein asked Levine about the “tyranny of the anointed” or the notion that that self-appointed speech guardians get to determine which types of speech are acceptable on campus. He used the example of a creationist shutting down a discussion about evolution.

Weinstein claims that Levine responded by arguing that white men should be restricted from determining which ideas are offensive enough to be shut down. Weinstein wrote that he was shocked to hear such an argument from a “constitutional scholar.”

Breitbart News extensively covered the controversy at Evergreen State College that took place last spring. Chaos ravaged the Evergreen State College campus throughout the end of their spring semester. After Weinstein gently objected to an activism event that asked white community members to leave campus for the day, student protesters took over the campus, demanding Weinstein’s termination.