A student at Middlebury College has been disciplined by the administration for her role in the publication of an evidence-free list of alleged sexual abusers on campus.

Middlebury College student Elizabeth Dunn has officially been disciplined by the administration over her publication of an evidence-free list that accused several Middlebury students of sexual misconduct.

Dunn will now have a permanent letter on her academic record which she will be required to mention on applications for jobs or graduate programs. According to the Middlebury student newspaper, the administration claims that Dunn’s list obstructed an ongoing Title IX investigation,

“Official college discipline is a permanent attachment to a student’s file and must be reported if a student is asked whether they have received college discipline,” the student newspaper wrote in their report. “It is also reported to the parents and guardians of the student.”

One student, who claims that he was falsely accused of rape, wrote in a column for The College Fix that he contemplated suicide after his friends and family distanced themselves from him as a result of Dunn’s list.

I’ve wracked my brain to figure out what I could have done that a sex partner perceived as rape. I did everything Middlebury tells students to do in order to obtain sexual consent.

Most of my close female friends have abandoned me, and other friends continually make excuses to avoid me. I even considered suicide.

In a Facebook comment directed at those claiming that they had been improperly placed on her list, Dunn wrote that she was “not interested in taking any of that labor on.” “It would be great if you stopped messaging me lol,” she wrote.