A controversial course at San Diego State University on impeaching President Trump has been modified by removing Trump’s name from the course title after a wave of complaints.

A one-week seminar course at San Diego State University entitled “Trump: Impeachment, Removal, or Conviction,” has been modified after the institution was criticized over its use of public funds to advance a course with a partisan agenda.

Following coverage by Breitbart News and other conservative media, President Trump’s name has been removed from the course’s title. Administrators at San Diego State University claim that the course will now examine impeachment as a general concept rather specifically the impeachment of President Trump.

“On behalf of Joe Johnson, interim dean of the College of Extended Studies, and Joyce Gattas, dean of the College of Professional Studies and Fine Arts, we would like to acknowledge those who have been offended by (the course),” a statement from the university reads. “In retrospect, we realize the title of the course, `Trump: Impeachment, Removal, or Conviction?’, is inconsistent with the course content described.”

“The course presents an overall framework of impeachment, removal, or criminal investigation of a president and rather than focusing on President Trump, reviews all 19 impeachments in U.S. history,” a university spokesperson said.

“Focus will be on the two constitutional grounds: impeachment and removal (25th Amendment), and the possible charges of the independent counsel, the powers of the president,” and “a history of the creation of [the presidency] and the comparison of divine right and rule of law leadership,” the original course description read.

“It’s very clear what the message is this course is sending, and if you look at the required textbook, it was written by a liberal nutjob,” Brandon Jones, the chairman of the SDSU College Republicans, said in a comment to Fox News. “They can spew their talking points all they want, but I’m not buying it.”

The course will still center around American University professor Allan Lichtman’s book The Case for Impeachment, which focuses exclusively on Lichtman’s belief that President Trump will be impeached.