Twitter has permanently banned legendary troll Godfrey Elfwick, who had gained a massive following for mocking leftists.

Elfwick, who has been banned from Twitter in the past, was famous for satirizing leftists. Elfwick was banned back in July 2017 for “violating the Twitter rules” regarding “targeted abuse.” Then, James Delingpole of Breitbart News addressed Elfwick’s ban.

It is a truth universally acknowledged by anyone who has spent more than a moment glancing at social media that SJWs can’t do jokes. Or banter. Or memes. Given that social media is mostly about jokes, banter, and memes, this means that SJWs spend their every moment on the internet in a state of near-impotent pique. They cannot strike back with wit or charm or facts or evidence or amusing images of Pepe the frog, for these are all things they singularly lack. So every time they are forced to resort to the only weapon in their armory: censorship.

Although the account is gone, the person behind the Elfwick account has left behind a legacy of great satire.

Here are some of Elfwick’s greatest hits:

“A person’s skin colour does not determine their ethnicity. I have light skin yet I know in my heart that I am black and act accordingly,” one tweet read.

“When the next generation ask: what did YOU do when Trump came to power? I’ll proudly say: ‘I called him a Nazi while dressed like a vagina,'” another tweet read.

“As a progressive middle class leftist, I demand the UK take as many refugees as possible and houses them in places I don’t visit very often,” another tweet read.

Elfwick was also known for publishing satirical headlines for columns published by the Guardian. “I’d rather punch 300 innocent people and 1 genuine Nazi than punch no Nazis at all,” one satirical headline by Elfwick read.

“Why should a heart surgeon earn more than a McDonald’s employee?” another headline read. “Is free speech really worth the price of people being able to say whatever they like?” another read.

The Elfwick account’s fake Guardian stories sometimes proved hard to distinguish from the real thing for some readers.

Godfrey Elfwick legacy goes far beyond Twitter. He once successfully trolled the BBC by claiming to have never seen the movie Star Wars, which he called “very low quality,” and claims that Darth Vader, who he calls “Dark Raider” is a “racial stereotype” that listens to “rap music.”

It’s unclear in Godfrey Elfwick will ever return to Twitter from a new account. Until then, conservatives across Twitter will have to work hard to fill the humor gap left by Elfwick.