The “first known” sex doll brothel in North America is set to open in Toronto, Canada, this September following in the footsteps of successful sex doll brothels in Europe.

“Aura Dolls is North America’s first known ‘brothel’ that offers sexual services with the world’s most beautiful silicone ladies,” declared the brothel on its website. “Our vision is to bring you an exciting new way to achieve your needs without the many restrictions and limitations that a real partner may come with. We hope that way you can enjoy any fantasy or fetish you desire without judgement or shame bringing the ultimate sexual experience.”

“We see sexual gratification as a basic life necessity; orgasming can provide many health benefits such as boosting immune system, longer life span and increasing overall happiness thus lowering the chances of depression,” Aura Dolls continued, adding that the sex dolls “are thoroughly sanitized to meet our high expectations.”

“We take our clients health and safety extremely serious and each sanitation staff has been trained excessively through our industry developed routine to ensure the maximum wellbeing of our clients,” the website concluded. “The use of condoms are still highly recommended.”

Aura Dolls currently has six dolls with different ‘personalities’ to choose from: “Busty, Romantic, and Spontaneous” Anna, “Young, Gorgeous, and Sweet” Erika, “Girl Next Door” Harper, “Exotic” Jazmine, “American Dream” Scarlett, and “Submissive, Innocent” Yuki.

The dolls are available to “see” for anywhere from thirty minutes to four hours, and there is an option to have two dolls at once.

“We don’t have staff there, just a camera,” claimed marketing director Claire Lee. “The payment is taken at the beginning, you go into the room, do your time and just leave.”

Despite claiming to be the “first known” sex doll brothel in North America, Toronto’s KinkySdollS disputed the title.

“KinkySdollS is the first in North America we operate for over a year and we have every proof for that,” they claimed on their Twitter account.

Last year, it was reported that sex doll brothels were becoming popular in Europe.

The world’s first sex doll brothel in Barcelona, Spain, revealed its intentions to expand globally, while an Austrian brothel claimed the sex dolls were now more popular than real women.

Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington, or like his page at Facebook.