While many users may be careful checking their privacy settings on social media sites, some forget to check the privacy settings of platforms such as YouTube — here are the important steps to protect your YouTube account privacy and make sure strangers aren’t keeping an eye on your video watching habits.

The Verge recently published an article explaining how users can better protect their privacy on YouTube which outlines steps that help to hide users video preferences, turn off ad personalization, and delete watch and search history.

Step 1: Hiding Viewing Preferences and Likes 

The first step to improve the privacy of your YouTube account is to prevent others from seeing your video watching habits and likes.

The Verge suggests that users take the following steps:

2: Disable Ad Personalization
Google uses the videos you watch to suggest advertisements to you; but if you want to stop Google tracking your viewing history and suggesting personalized ads, here’s how to turn that off:

3: Delete Your Watch and Search History

Google tracks your video search and watch history, users can see this in the history section of the YouTube menu. Users can remove individual videos from this section or all of them.

These steps are crucial to control who has access to your YouTube activity. If you wouldn’t want someone monitoring every minute of the TV you watch, why would you want them monitoring your YouTube viewing either?

Read more from The Verge on protecting your YouTube user privacy here. 
Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or email him at lnolan@breitbart.com