The “Sanders for President” subreddit has banned CNN for abandoning “any journalistic integrity it may have once held” in response to the network’s handling of Tuesday’s Democrat presidential primary debate, where CNN moderators appeared to favor Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

“SandersForPresident will be removing all content from CNN for the foreseeable future,” reads the subreddit announcement. “They have abandoned their journalistic integrity.”

The statement continued:

CNN has spent the previous four days using all of its media power to try to prevent Senator Sanders from becoming President. All of their top-line stories have been unsubstantiated “hit job” style articles against the senator. This situation came to head last night when CNN hosted a Democratic primary debate. CNN’s debate has been criticized across the entire ideological spectrum of media today because their moderators spent the entire debate asking slanted questions obviously designed to weaken Americans’ confidence in Senator Sanders, the current frontrunner in the first three primary states.

“CNN has forfeited any journalistic integrity it may have once held in the Democratic primary,” affirmed /r/SandersForPresident in its statement. “Its primary goal has become to protect its own profits, which are threatened by a Sanders presidency.”

“It is for these reasons that r/SandersForPresident is indefinitely suspending the hosting of all content produced by CNN,” the statement concluded.

Members of the pro-Trump subreddit, “/r/The_Donald,” chimed in, stating, “Bernie’s subreddit bans content from CNN — ‘CNN has forfeited any journalistic integrity’ — No kidding, we’ve been saying it for years!”

“LOL the Bernie Bruhs think CNN is trash now,” posted another member.

During Tuesday’s debate, after CNN moderator Abby Phillip appeared to re-frame the premise of an argument as a fact in favor of Senator Warren, supporters of Senator Sanders reacted by sharing the hashtag #CNNisTrash, which quickly began trending on Twitter.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.