Students attending this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) spoke with a reporter about what it is like to by a conservative on a college campus.

A reporter from campus watchdog group Campus Reform spoke with students this week at CPAC to get a better understanding of what it is like to be a conservative on a college campus.

Many students claimed that they have lost friends over their conservative political views.

“I like Donald Trump, and they don’t,” one student said, recalling a story about losing friends over his support of President Trump.

“Once [friends] found out that I was pro-Trump, they would just be like ‘how could you,’ ‘how dare you,’” another student told Campus Reform. “Somebody told me to burn in hell as a Trump supporter.”

All of the students interviewed said that they had experienced progressive bias on campus. “Our student government vice president, once, posted on the Fourth of July, ‘Death to America’ on her personal social media,” one said.

Several students claimed that their professors have used their position to indoctrinate students. “The chair of our econ department, my major…he’s an open Marxist,” the student added. “My professor decided to talk about how we needed free healthcare in bio class, and it really made no sense,” another CPAC attendee said.

“It makes you question tolerance,” another student said. “Is the Democratic party what they say they are in terms of social justice and tolerance?”

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.