Laura Ingraham, host of The Ingraham Angle on Fox News, slammed Democrats and establishment Republicans on the hill for their last-ditch efforts to secure a corporate welfare package for their cronies in the corporate establishment media by attaching the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) to the “must-pass” National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Citing Breitbart News’ reporting on the issue, Ingraham slammed the JCPA as “disturbing” in a segment on her nightly Fox News show, noting Breitbart’s analysis of the bill as a means for the media industry to secure special favors from Silicon Valley tech giants.

“Now this defense bill will as usual be so long, and the text released so late that few members will actually read it, and even fewer tally up all the waste,” said Ingraham.

“But Breitbart uncovered something disturbing tucked inside it — something called the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act in the National Defense Authorization Act. Now, it will allow media companies — most owned by wealthy conglomerates — to form negotiating cartels to secure special favors from Big Tech companies, including some financial handouts.”

“Don’t for a second think that they hadn’t planned this all. Staff on the hill and at the White House have undoubtedly been working away at all of this nonsense for probably most of the last year.”

The fact that Ingraham was willing to call the JCPA what it is, a handout for wealthy media conglomerates is a sign of how strong the conservative case against the JCPA, which numerous senators, regulators, and members of the GOP leadership in the House have warned will become a vehicle for the censorship of conservative media, has become.

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. He is the author of #DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election.