A week ago, news began to break in San Francisco about a targeted gay-bashing crime that allegedly occurred on February 26.

Three cousins from Hayward have been charged in San Francisco with a hate crime and assault for allegedly firing a BB rifle at the face of a man they believed was gay, an attack the men videotaped, authorities said Wednesday.

Investigators believe the assailants chose the victim because he appeared to be gay. When the men were pulled over, police found a video camera that was used to film the shooting, investigators said.

Clearly, of course, this had to be a Christian right-wing, tea party, anti-government, bigoted homophobe from the South. Right?


The three men, Shafiq Hashemi, 21, Sayed Bassam, 21, and Mohammad Habibzada, 24, the driver, were arrested.

According to [police spokesman Officer Samson] Chan, they allegedly admitted to the crime.

“The suspects did make a confession, basically stating that they came to San Francisco to target gay people,” he said.

But what is strange about the media reports is that the identity group, nor the motives, of these three “urban youths” is never mentioned in any news accounts. San Francisco Chronicle get it right? No dice. How about the local TV stations? Get real. The Associated Press?


Imagine, if you will, that the BB gun attackers had been white. Or from Utah. Or from Texas. Or Laramie, Wyoming. What kind of wild adjectives would have been applied? We can only surmise. Editorializing against mainstream Americans who are now out-of-favor by the media (whites, Catholics, evangelicals, Mormons, conservatives) happens everyday on America’s front pages and network news programs. But when it comes to Arab/Muslim attackers — all silence is golden for the American media.

Predictably, the gay media outlets and left-wing bloggers continued their head-in-sand approach in the reporting of this Muslim-on-gay violence in America’s homo mecca. The leading gay magazine in America, the Advocate, is silent about the identity or motives of the men aside from their names. Again, one can only imagine if these were “Christianists” on an anti-gay BB gun field trip to San Francisco.

The silence of the Muslim angle is also deafening by left-wing gay bloggers Towleroad, JoeMyGod. But at least they took notice. No such luck over at Pam’s House Blend and Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish. You would think Sullivan, who once claimed to recognize the threat to gays by Islamic radicals, would have picked up on the story. Nope. Andrew must not have heard about the incident. Convenient.

Folks who aren’t in tune with the American gay community need to understand something fundamental. The gay liberal activists and thought leaders that make policy and advocacy decisions have long ignored the existential threat to gays and lesbians by Islamic extremism. Liberal “gay rights” groups such as the Human Rights Campaign, the Gill Foundation, and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force are far more concerned about attacking American Christians on a daily basis than facing the real threat to gays around the world.

I’ve never seen this kind of display in a public square in America. Keep in mind, this was an Iranian government-sanctioned, religious-law execution performed because these teenagers were accused of being gay.

The hangings of gays is routine punishment in Iran and other Islamic-ruled nations. But the American Gay Establishment is too concerned about court-forced marriage, educational indoctrination of kids and Federal funding to worry about such trivial matters as systematic killing of gays by Islamic regimes. Or the looming threat to American gays and lesbians on our shores.

Just last month, the blog Creeping Sharia reported on disturbing comments by Vanderbilt University’s Muslim chaplain.

I go with what Islam teaches,” said Awadh A. Binhazim, who is listed on the Vanderbilt website as “Adjunct Professor of Islam at the Divinity School” and an adviser to the Muslim Student Association. His comments came earlier this week at a diversity event for students.

He was asked directly, “Under Islamic law is it punishable by death if you are a homosexual?”

Binhazim said, “Yes. It is punishable by death.”

Lovely. Watch the video and realize that this is happening on a college campus in Nashville, Tennessee, not Saudi Arabia.


But hey — let’s demonize, character assassinate and hunt down American Christians who oppose gay marriage first, shall we? Priorities.

It is also important to note that the fundamental philosophies of a majority of the American gay activist community have been rooted with elements of anti-capitalism, anti-democracy, anti-war, and anti-Israeli sentiment for the past three decades. You could not have attended an anti-Iraq war rally in 2003-2007 without seeing many rainbow flags (the unofficial symbol of gays and lesbians) mixed in with pro-communist, anti-capitalist, anti-Bush and anti-American signs, symbols and chants.

In order to be gay and part of “the community” in America, you must first renounce “the mainstream,” your individualism, liberty, capitalism, the Constitution, the basic right to vote and your patriotism. All those checked? Join the club!

To fight against Islamic terror against gays is completely foreign to the DNA of the American gay establishment. To them the enemies are Republicans, white and straight men, and the US military.

When it comes to the threat of Muslim-on-gay violence in San Francisco or around the world, the American gay community truly takes a “don’t ask, don’t tell” approach.